Friday, October 22, 2021

Sara Penhallegon of Center Valley Animal Rescue Initiates a Police Incident Report with the Port Townsend Police. Yet Officer Wendy Davis files her Official Incident Report as Officer Initiated. I Allege this is Fraud.

Sara Penhallegon of CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue, Initiates a Police Incident Report, Lodges a Complaint Via eMail, Yet Officer Wendy Davis says on her Official Incident Report that the Source of the Incident is Officer Initiated. 

eMails clearly show that CVAR Sara Penhallegon emailed Port Townsend Police Officer Wendy Davis and lodged a complaint against Michael Allmain that same day and Officer Wendy Davis emailed Sara back then she set out to investigate that complaint, yet again she stalks and harasses Michael Allmain. Officer Davis filed her report that day, fraudulently I allege, stating it was an Officer Initiated Incident Report that same Day of September 3rd, 2020. When Clearly it was CVAR initiated.

Here are the September 3rd, 2020 emails from a lodged complaint, Incident, CLEARLY initiated by Center Valley Animal Rescue Sara Penhallegon. And answered, responded to by Port Townsend Police Officer Wendy Davis. 

Here we see September 3rd 2020 incident report showing that just after Officer Wendy Davis eMails Sara Penhallegon of CVAR back she goes out to find and question the suspect, Michael Allmain and you can see the Source she misleadingly claims. 

I Allege the Above is Yet Another Crime and Violations of Michael Allmain's Rights, as Well as Fraud with Intent to Harm. I will be Filing a Third Party Complaint On this Too. Yet Another Officer LIE.

More on the September 3rd Emails Click Below

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